Audio quality is critical to producing a great video. While you should always try to control as many environmental variables as possible and avoid unwanted background noise when filming, often the noise from an air-conditioner or computer fan will go unnoticed until it’s time to edit. The result is a background hum or buzzes your viewers will easily notice. Not ideal! Fortunately, it can be easy to remove the unwanted noise from devices like this in post-production. We run through a simple (and free) method in this quick guide on how to remove background noise in videos. āˇීāļŠිāļēෝ āˇāļŊ āļ´āˇුāļļිāļ¸් āˇāļļ්āļ¯āļē āļāˇāļ් āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļෙāˇේāļ¯? āļුāļĢාāļ්āļ¸āļēෙāļą් āļāˇāˇ
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āļāļģ āļģූāļāļ āļිāļģීāļ¸ේāļ¯ී āļ
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āļąāˇāˇ්āļē āˇāļļ්āļ¯āļē āļāˇāļ...